This was a wonderful show!
Josh Ritter is just such a nice guy it makes me happy to see someone who just so excited to play for a room of people who are into his music. This photo is from a solo number he did, but he had a great band with him, including a horn section that was just great.

And the opening band was
Old School Freight Train and they were great, too. I actually bought their CD and listened to it this morning and it's top notch.
I accidently deleted the little movie I took during Kathleen, but I'm working on recovering it right now, so we'll see how that goes. I'll post it if it's any good and if I get it back.
The rest of the weekend is looking fun, too. The
Honk Festival of Activist Street Bands is going to be in Davis Square all weekend and I'm looking forward to checking that out as much as possible and then to top it off, Veggie Dinner at Paul and
Trinity's on Sunday! Woo-hoo!
PS - Recovering the movie from the show is not going so well. I tried a trial run of one thing and it found 7 movies on my card, but then told me I had to pay $40 to download the "real" software to save the files, which I didn't want to do. So I tried a free recovery program and it found zero movies on my card... If anyone knows of a better program, preferably free, please let me know.