This past weekend I had the both the time and lack of homework to head to New Jersey to see my brother and his family. It was my nephew’s 3rd birthday, too, so that made it all the more worth it. I had class on Saturday morning, but I left straight from there and made it in less than 4 hours. The weekend consisted of many games of Scrabble, an intellectual discussion concerning the merits (or lack thereof) of the Scrabble dictionary, lots of good play time with all three boys, a rain-soaked trip to the park, and a botched bowling plan that ended up resulting in a fun evening of board games and Mexican food with good friends from high school. I’ll let the photos (and captions) tell the story.
This is Alex, Kim, Mike and John playing games and eating dinner. John, Alex and I played Scrabble, and John, Alex, Mike and Kim played Blokus. It was a great alternative to our original plan of going bowling.

This is the most adorable Emerson ever:

Sebastian got a Big Wheel for his third birthday. He rode it all the way to the park with a little help on the steep parts.

This is Sebastian and Jill on the playground. Note Emerson being followed by John on the left side of the photo. This was right before it started to downpour.

Half-way home John and I and the kids ducked under a church awning. Jill went on ahead to get the car. You can see in the background how hard it was raining. No one was really happy, but Emmy finally got a chance to touch the Big Wheel.

The rain let up and John decided to walk home with Nathaniel and Sebastian, leaving me alone with Emerson while Jill got to us with the car. Emmy was pretty sad to see his big brothers leave.

After coming home and having a warm bath and some hot chocolate, the bigs boys got a story before bedtime.

It was a great weekend and chances are I won't see these guys again until they come up for graduation in May. Already looking forward to it!