When I was in my Musical Theatre phase (some would argue I'm still in it) I LOVED the movie
Little Shop of Horrors with Rick Moranis and Steve Martin and that awesome woman as Audrey. I watched the VHS tape so much that the sound was warbly in spots. Anyway, I woke up this morning and noticed that I've got my own little Little Shop of Horrors going on.

Let me explain:
For those of you who don't know, the main plot line of the show is that the dorky guy, Seymore (Rick Moranis) works at a flower shop and one day they notice this odd plant that just magically appeared during a total eclipse of the sun. I won't ruin the ending if you haven't seen it.
Well, mine didn't appear during a total eclipse of the sun, but this morning I noticed that this house plant that I've had for YEARS that has shown no significant growth has that crazy bud in the middle of it. This plant came to be mine when I rescued it, with two of it's friends, from a $1 bin at the grocery store in Chicago. For anyone who knows, I think it was the crappy Jewel on Clark Street. The only label on them was:

They are all really different plants, but they all had the same tag. Here is an overall view of the crazy plant with one of it's friends in the background:

Now if anyone out there knows what kind of plant I'm dealing with here, part of me thinks it would be nice to know, but part of me is excited about the mystery of what's to come. So maybe just let me know if there's anything special I should be doing, but don't tell me what kind of plant it is until after it blooms.
I'll keep posting photos with the plant's progress. The mystery continues...