It was a great evening! Congrats, Alex! You did a great job!
2 oz. Hendrick's Gin
Tonic Water
Pour Hendrick's Gin into highball glass over ice cubes
and fill with tonic water. Stir. Garnish with cucumber.
First, when the teacher was talking about mnemonic devices to help remember the notes on the strings of the guitar, I chimed in with this priceless one that I learned at my Passim guitar class: Every Acid Dealer Gets Busted Eventually. She had never heard this one and thought it was pretty witty. She liked how it had a good lesson in it, too. I had heard many different varieties of these mnemonics, but for some reason this is the one that sticks.
Second, as we were learning “Let It Be” I asked if she had ever heard the Sesame Street version, “Letter B”. She said No and I told her I would bring it in on CD if I could find it. Instead I found it on YouTube and emailed it to her. She thought it was pretty priceless and forwarded it to the rest of the class.
I might not be the best guitar player, but at least I’m full of useless, fun information.
Here is the view from my right hand while I'm practing on my couch:
I used the same recipe for the cheddar-thyme dinner rolls, but after letting it rise once I kneaded in about a ½ cup of crumbled cheddar cheese and a little over a tablespoon of chopped fresh thyme. I made these to go with the butternut squash soup I made and they are SO delicious:
I also figured out that letting the dough rise on top of my radiator is the perfect way to get enough heat, but not too much. I think I have kicked my fear of making yeast bread and I’m looking forward to trying out some new things, maybe incorporating some wheat flour or trying some other additions. There is a bakery on my street that makes a wonderful rosemary bread that I’d love to try and focaccia is on my list, too. Let me know if you have any favorite bread recipes or other suggestions for a new-to-baking bread maker.