Holy crap - my garden grows HUGE and mysterious and with the help of my nephews and a very rainy June! Above is a carrot I harvested today. I'm particularly proud of it because it's straight as an arrow. I worked really hard to dig all the rocks out of this particular area of soil, knowing that I was planning on planting carrots, and low and behold it worked! I'm going to let the other carrots go a little longer and see if they get a little bigger, but not too much more because this one was sweet and nice when I ate after getting home and washing it off. This is the first time I've grown carrots and I think I'll do it again. Once I harvest them, there will be an empty space in my garden, so I'm thinking of putting in more arugula or possibly transplanting the peppers that are getting shaded by the HUGE squash plants.
Below is an overall shot of the garden with some labels. Behind the broccoli are some tomatillo plants, and behind those and the tomatoes is an entire row of bush beans. The little pepper plants aren't even visible. They are on either side of the sunflowers. Click to enlarge for easier label reading:

Here is a close up of the Mystery Squash. My educated guess is that it's a pumpkin. I planted some of the squash plants from seeds and some from plants that I got from my parents. Not sure which one was labeled wrong, but this is obviously not yellow summer squash:

This is yellow summer squash:

This is the arugula that I harvested last week. It was really peppery and delicious with roasted beets and goat cheese. I had some sandwiches and some salads with all of those ingredients. I still have some arugula in the garden that I'm hoping to pick next week. I was so happy with the results here.

And today Sebastian got to help me water the garden. These are the two rows of bush beans that were hidden behind the broccoli and tomatoes. I'm really looking forward to getting some late-summer harvest from them. I planted them on the later side, but I think it's going to work out well.

This garden has been quite an adventure. I'm really happy with the results and I'm looking forward to a delicious rest of the summer. I really can't wait for the tomatoes to come in! I have 4 varieties going, and they all seem to be doing well: Mr. Stripey, which has a medium sized yellow striped fruit, red early girls (which don't seem to be too much earlier than the other tomatoes), a yellow cherry and a red grape. Can't wait to match it up with some of the basil that's growing on my front porch!