From March 17-19 I was in Atlanta, GA to attend the Visual Resources Association Annual Conference. I moderated a session this year called Transition to Learning Spaces, which went really well. I had plenty of chances for networking and socializing and had a little bit of time to get out and explore Atlanta. The weather was pretty crappy while I was in town, but I made the best of a free afternoon and headed over to Coke World with Shana, my former co-worker from Harvard. On the way over we walked through Olympic Park.

Coke World was like Disney meets High Fructose Corn Syrup. After forcing all guests to watch this extremely bizzaro movie we were released into the museum.

One of the first things Shana and I did was get our photo taken with the Coke polar bear. This, too, was creepy. As you can see this polar bear insisted on petting my head like I was one of it's freakishly red-eyed little cubs. We got this photo and then continued on.

The rest of the museum was more about the history of Coke and the pop culture related to it, which was actually quite interesting. We watched some old Coke ads, and ads from around the world for different coke products. One of the most interesting (and sticky) parts of the museum was the tasting room. Here you can actually sample different Coke products from around the world. Inca Kola is actually a banana flavored soda.

It was great to catch up with Shana, and also Allison who I went to school with at Simmons. Allison and I got to watch a little of the NCAA tournament, and sadly witnessed Georgetown losing while eating dinner at the hotel bar. Overall it was a worthwhile trip, although I don't see myself rushing back to Atlanta any time soon.