I usually only get one weekend day off and I like to make the most of it! Last Saturday my brother invited everyone over to his new house in PA. Mac and I decided if we were going to drive an hour and a half into PA, that we should find something fun to do in the area before heading to my brother's to meet up with the rest of my family. Our original thought was to go on a brewery tour at Victory Brewing, but then I found out this amazing garden store/cafe/nursery called
Terrain was having a Dig Into Spring event and we decided to do that instead.

This place was gorgeous! There were so many great things to see and it made me really excited about getting my garden spot going again. It also made me a little jealous of all the folks who have yards to play in. Someday...

It was a beautiful spring morning and the sun was shining bright. This place is huge and has tons of nooks and crannies, showing off everything from big outdoor pots to furniture to potted herbs and flowers to naturally made soaps to homemade pickles to books to garden clogs. Total garden overload! I loved it!

One of the outside walls of one of the buildings had these pots attached to them and lined up in perfect rows. I like the way they look, but I imagine it will be pretty amazing to see them all filled with plants, which I think is the intention. Upon a closer look, each pot had a little watering tube that I think was fed by rain run-off from the gutters above. Pretty amazing.

We also stopped at the cafe and got some tea and a wonderful ginger cookie. Our baristo was hilarious. Apparently they have to wear plaid shirts, but he said he would wear one anyway. We left smiling (and a dollar coin in the tip jar).

Here's Mac enjoying the sun at the outdoor cafe seating.

The event that they were having involved a little farmer's market and some tastings of local goodies. We got some beautiful farm fresh eggs. I love all the colors!

I also picked up some heirloom arugula seeds that I'm looking forward to planting in the garden. I also learned how to save my arugula seeds to plant next year, or let them re-seed themselves for continued arugula goodness. We tasted some
Root and
Snap from Art in the Age and some beer from Victory Brewing. We also enjoyed this great display of cyanotype photograms and even talked to someone about how to make my own! I'm pretty excited about trying that out this summer. Mac was more interested in the vintage lightbulb.

It was a wonderful way to spend a beautiful spring morning! I'm sure we'll be back.
Oooo, I am so totally jealous! Terrain looks awesome in every way!! I'd love to talk w/you about those photograms too. Great to see you and Mac still doing such creative, wholesome, cool things! Yay for your bro and family too. :)
That place looks great! And, props to you for continually packing in so much greatness on your weekend jaunts.
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