On Christmas Eve, I dropped Mac off at the train station so he could catch his flight to Houston and then headed down to my parent's house to go out for our traditional Christmas Eve Chinese Dinner. It was delicious as always! After wrapping a few gifts, I headed to bed hoping that Santa would be good to me this year. :)
Well, it was fun to have a relaxing Christmas morning, reading the paper and having breakfast while we waited for my Grammy to wake up. And once she was awake, we started opening presents! My dad is notoriously hard to shop for - what do you get for the guy who has everything? This year, in a flash of genius, I came up with the perfect gift: the DVD of the 1960 World Series Game 7 between the Yankees and the Pirates. My dad has memories of watching this game as a young pirates fan with his dad, so it was neat to watch the game with my dad that afternoon.

Grammy got lots of nice clothes and some other fun gifts. She is so grateful for every gift that she gets. It's really fun to see her open her gifts.

And talk about grateful - or at least surprised - my mom got an unexpected gift this year: an iPad! My dad totally surprised her with this, and you can tell by the photos that she had no idea this was coming! I'm glad I had the camera out to catch this expression:

And one after the shock wore off a little bit:

It was a really fun Christmas morning. The plan was to have John and Jill and their kids and Dan and Mo and their kids come over on the 26th, but those plans got postponed thanks to the foot of snow that we got. I'll be catching up with them next weekend instead.
I loved your blog posting as usual - Thanks for the great pix! It was a wonderful Christmas, so much fun to be together. And now, due to the snow, we get to celebrate a second time. What a great way to start the new year!
To Beth: Thanks for the post! To Beth's Mom: You look stunning! I love your new hairdo!!!! Glad that you had fun celebrating. Didn't realize you got so much snow that the kiddos couldn't come. Sounds like there's a plan to do some more gift giving later on then? Take care! Love ya!
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