Every Christmas I love getting together with some of my oldest friends from middle school and high school. Mike H., Meg, Kim (& Alex) and I have stuck together through thick and thin and always find time to catch up over the holidays. This year was no exception. We all gathered at Kim's brother's house on Christmas night.

This year I got Alex table-top ping pong, which was opened immediately and enjoyed by Mike and Alex. The net and paddles are a little small, but it was still lots of fun. We also all sat around the table and played Quiddler, a new game for most of us, and that was fun, too. It was also nice just to catch up with everyone. I even got to see Kim's parents before they headed back to Philly for the night.
While we were taking group photos I realized that Alex is now taller than me! It was a shock earlier this year when he started high school, but now this is a little bit much. It's amazing that I've known him since he was born. Time sure does fly, and kids get tall!
The next morning, Brian, my other dear friend from middle school and high school stopped by and we headed out for breakfast before it started snowing too much. It was also great to catch up with him as he recently moved to LA and has some great stories to tell.

It's always nice to reconnect with all of these people. We don't get to see each other all the time, but when we do, we pick up right where we left off. That's the great thing about old friends.
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