Sunday, June 24, 2007

Juggling Kit required; dvd of camp too

Junebug J here. My 5 1/2 year old son, Nathaniel, prepares for Circus Arts Camp for the next 5 days. An email from his teacher/camp instructor sent tonight has told me the glorious news of a "car drop off line" which I have salivated about for years-- no need to awaken or mess with Sebastian or Emerson in their respective car seats! Had I known about the car drop off line, I would have signed him up for all three weeks! The email explains that I am responsible for purchasing a "Juggling kit" for camp. The kit costs $20 and includes juggling beanbags, juggling scarves, a peacock feather for balancing, and a spinning plate. It's best if you are able to purchase them so that your children can continue practicing at home! I will also be offering a DVD for $25 that includes video of our week of camp and the final show on Friday at 2:00 pm. I will give you order forms tomorrow." Hmm, maybe these incidentals neutralize the aforementioned bliss of drop off line....

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