Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Guitar Class

Tonight is the 4th week of my guitar class at the Princeton Adult School. It’s been an enjoyable class and last week I must have been feeling a little boisterous because I decided to pipe up with two little nuggets of information.

First, when the teacher was talking about mnemonic devices to help remember the notes on the strings of the guitar, I chimed in with this priceless one that I learned at my Passim guitar class: Every Acid Dealer Gets Busted Eventually. She had never heard this one and thought it was pretty witty. She liked how it had a good lesson in it, too. I had heard many different varieties of these mnemonics, but for some reason this is the one that sticks.

Second, as we were learning “Let It Be” I asked if she had ever heard the Sesame Street version, “Letter B”. She said No and I told her I would bring it in on CD if I could find it. Instead I found it on YouTube and emailed it to her. She thought it was pretty priceless and forwarded it to the rest of the class.

I might not be the best guitar player, but at least I’m full of useless, fun information.

Here is the view from my right hand while I'm practing on my couch:


Jocelyn said...

That is so awesome Beth. I have actually seen the Letter B song on Sesame street and that cracked me up as well. Hope you continue to have fun at guitar class.

Jerri said...

Those are great photos of your guitar. You should frame them. Beautiful!