Monday, March 8, 2010

Lego Montclair

The Montclair Art Museum hosted an awesome event called Building Montclair in Lego. The idea was that 50 teams of 4 each got a photo of a building in downtown Montclair and had to build a lego likeness of that building in two hours. After the two hours the buildings were put down on a huge floor map of Montclair. It was really cool to see the finished products. Dad, John, Nathaniel and Sebastian were a team (seen above with their red-brick building) and Mom, Jill, Emerson and I showed up for the last 15 minutes or so just to see the finished product.

Above is the big floor map with all of the buildings in place. The event was a fundraiser and it looked like everyone had a really good time. I'm so glad we decided to stop by and see what they had worked on.

1 comment:

Ms. Ann said...

that looks like so much fun!