Monday, March 8, 2010

Oscar Night!

Last night I had a few people over to watch the Oscars! It was a little bit of a tight squeeze to get everyone in a seat and able to see the TV, but I think it worked out well. Above are Eric, Amy, Bror, my empty seat, Karen and Mac. It was a late night full of stovetop popcorn, movie-sized candy (Twizzlers, Junior Mints and Reese's Pieces, of course), and some good crackers and chips and dips. I even had a red carpet (aka bath towel) out on the front porch as people walked up to the house.

I did a terrible job making guesses for the winners, but did pretty well with Oscar Night Bingo. I even had some prizes: dark chocolate movie tickets from Thomas Sweet.

I think we were all pretty tired by the end of the show, but it was a fun evening overall.

1 comment:

Miss Karen said...

Thanks for a lovely time! I'm just sorry I couldn't make it all the way to the end. But the thought of seeing them cut to cranky George Clooney one more time was just too much for me.