Saturday, January 12, 2008

A note on the re-design

First of all, yes, I dropped the other Junebug. However, the address will still remain, unless someone knows how to change that address without losing the whole history of the blog. If you do know such magic, please let me know. While the other Junebug has plenty of blog-worthy material from her daily life, she's just too busy to dedicate the time to writing about it here. I'll keep you posted on any particularly silly goings on in her world as they pertain to mine. You can watch this video to see the silliness that ensues on a daily basis (although only 3 of these kids are hers).

The photo at the top is of me in the Guthrie Theatre in Minneapolis. It's a beautiful building on the banks of the Mississippi River down where the mills used to be (and some are still standing). The photo was taken by Jerri in the Dowling Studio Lobby, or the big yellow/amber box stuck on the side of the building. You can see it in this photo:
I didn't take this photo, there was 2 feet of snow on the ground when I visited, it's from this blog.

I'm still working on getting the blog completely up to snuff, so you might notice some minor details changing here and there. If you have any suggestions, don't hesitate to let me know.

As always - Junebug B


emilie said...

HI Beth! Welcome to the blogosphere. It's both addictive and highly annoying... everything you and see and do suddenly has blog potential!

Suzanne said...

Love the new design!

Martha R. Mahard said...

Hi Beth - the Blog looks great - I thought at first that photo was taken at the Tate Modern in London-very cool. Your apartment looks very nice and grown up - if you have any energy left come on out and help me with mine!

Mark D. Wagner said...

Love it!

Mark D. Wagner said...

Also, now I'm thinking that you should really come up with a song celebrating your blog to the tune of "Sloop John B."